Cross Country recount by Tilly

          Cross country!

On Thursday all the seniors had cross country after morning tea. When the first lot went, butterflies were flying in my tummy. I was nervous. At last the year five competition girls went up the hill. ‘Phreeeeet!’ went the whistle.

I tripped on the wet ground but it did not matter for me because l was luckily not the last girl. l was actually in front of (most) of the year five competitive girls. l zoomed down the steep hill and into the bushes. Finally l was second in the first quarter.

I ran until my legs ached but Katie was too fast for me to catch up to her. I did my best, not stopping at the hills but just sprinting the whole way.

The finish line was just there. My mum was shouting “Come on! Your nearly there!’’ I did it! I came second. My goal was always to come second.

By Tilly


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